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Semester Abroad

Students enrolled in Master course „Scientific Computing“ are encouraged to study for a semester abroad.

University of Heidelberg is offering different programs to apply for student exchange all over the world. Programs vary from language courses during semester breaks to exchange programs within study course programs as well as interns or examinations. For general information please visit the webpage of Heidelberg University and at the Infocenter for Study and Internship abroad.
During your studies in Scientific Computing we recommend to study abroad during your 3rd semester. Within this semester you have already got to know Heidelberg University and the program itself, but you have not yet started your Master Thesis.

There are three main options for your semester abroad:

Selected partner institutions of the IWR at Heidelberg University are:

  • Johannes Kepler University, Austria
    This University is also enclosed within the ERASMUS+ Mobility Program of Heidelberg University.
  • University of Luxemburg, Luxemburg
  • University of Delhi, Delhi
  • Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi
  • Partner Institutions of the SOKRATES/ERASMUS program coordinated by the Mathematics Department of Heidelberg University

For a first step try to figure out if you want to study on your own or within a mobility program. Choose where you want to study regarding your research interests and language proficiency. Mobility programs are offered by Heidelberg University. For further details and general questions on exchange programs please visit the foreign office of Heidelberg University.

4EU+ European University Alliance

The 4EU+ European University Alliance brings together eight comprehensive, research-intensive, public universities. Heidelberg University is part of this alliance, which makes exchanges with these partner universities easier for our students and offers them additional opportunities.

Charles University

Paris-Panthéon-Assas University

Sorbonne University

University of Copenhagen

University of Geneva

University of Milan

University of Warsaw

Your Next Steps

Please plan your semester abroad well ahead and contact Dr. Michael Winckler in due time to discuss the procedure, financial support, and crediting of the courses abroad.

Important remark: The administrative part of your semester abroad will be coordinated with the departmental ERASMUS coordinator for mathematics (currently Prof. Peter Albers). He will receive your application and will be your administrative contact for all formal questions of the exchange.

Further Information

Download the slides from the presentations of the latest information session: