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Seven Guidelines for a Successful Application

This site has a web page dedicated to the application process ("How to apply"). Make sure to also read that page to  improve your application.

Application to our program is easier than ever. To make sure that you are successful in the process, here are the seven main cornerstones to guarantee a smooth application process. 

1. Make sure this is the right program for you

Scientific Computing is a program with roots in mathematics and in computer science. To apply for this program, you need the following prior education (minimum requirement!)

  1. Solid mathematics education (min 24 ECTS)
    1. Linear Algenbra (min 6 ECTS)
    2. Analysis (min 6 ECTS)
    3. Advanced Mathematics - Numerics, Functional Analysis, Optimization, Differential Equations or similar (min 6 ECTS)
  2. Solid practical computer science education (min 24 ECTS)
    1. Practical Computer Science (min 6 ECTS)
    2. Algorithms & Data Structures (min 6 ECTS)
    3. Advanced Computer Science - Image Process, Computer Graphics, Parallel Computing, Machine Learning (min 6 ECTS)
  3. Application area (min 16 ECTS)
    1. Basic Knowledge in a field of real applications for scientific computing - Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Economics ... (min 16 ECTS)

Recommendation: Use the table you have to generate for your application (see How to apply?) to make transparent that you meet these criteria!

2. Meet the language requirement

The language of instruction in this program is English. Make sure to meet the required level of English (B2) not only in an examination, but in everyday learning situations. If you struggle with the language of instruction, learning the content of the courses is even harder and usually students do not succeed.

3. Use the online system

All applications (by German students, EU students and non-EU international students) are handled through the online system of Heidelberg University. To start your application process, log into

heiCO application protal

4. Respect the application period

The application window is open

  • between Apr 1st and Sep 30th for the winter term (term starts Oct 1st; lectures start Oct 15th)
  • between Oct 1st and Mar 31st for the summer term (Term starts Apr. 1st; lectures start April 15th)
5. Apply early to have enough time for the process

As the evaluation process by the faculty and by Heidelberg central administartion and a possible visa process take quite some time, we strongly encourage Note that late applications cannot be rushed! The process has some discussion periods which cannot be shortened to allow all members of the admission board to review the application. 

  • non-EU students to apply before Nov 15th (to start in April) or before Jun 15th (to start in October).
  • EU students to apply before Jan 31st (to start in April) or before Jul 31st (to start in October).
  • German students to apply before Mar 1st (to start in April) or before Sep 1st (to start in October).
6. Apply for dormitories as early on!

Apply for student dormitories even if you do not have confirmation of your application. The deadline for student dormitory application is July 15th (for the next winter term) and January 15th (for the next summer term). You will get on a waiting list and can confirm your application as soon as you have the acceptance letter of the university for your studies. Note that dormitories are under the administration of the Heidelberger Studentenwerk, not the central university administration.

7. Plan your visa application in advance!

Depending on your country of origin, visa interview dates might be hard to get. Looking for a suitable date (and maybe cancelling the interview) helps you to get to Heidelberg in time.


Please consult both the web pages in this section and the associated FAQ: Application to understand the application process. The page "How to Apply" guides you through the most important parts of the online process.

If you have specific questions after consulting the web pages, you can mail us at and directly contact the office of the counselor for the master program.