NEWS -> Information Session by the Program Counsellor

The faculty and the Heidelberg Graduate School MathComp are jointly inviting all students of the program to participate in the

Information Session & Welcome • Master's Program Scientific Computing
Friday • Oct 11th • 1 - 3pm (NEW TIME!) • Location: Conference Room (5th floor), MATHEMATIKON, Im Neuenheimer Feld 205, 69120 Heidelberg

During this event information will be provided regarding the upcoming semester including:

  • Course registration
  • Selection of modules
  • Application areas
  • Specializations

We offer intensive counseling on all topics.

NEWS -> Fresh:wo:men Introduction Course

The student union (Fachschaft) is organizing a two-days introduction for new students in the master programs. This is a great way to get a head start for your studies and to understand from the very first day both how to organize yourself and how to get help from the Fachschaft in case of problems you encounter.

To take part in the orientation days, no registration is required. Just join the event on the first day. Even joining later is alright. If you miss the orientation days, do not worry. Fachschaft will be uploading slides and other information you need.

All information can be found on FS website (updated it in the days leading up to the orientation days):

To connect with Fachschaft and your fellow students, you can join the group chats created specifically for you.

Orientation Days for new International Students

Every semester the International Relations Office holds an orientation program especially for incoming international students. The orientation is designed to help you settle into life in Heidelberg and acquaint you with the university and your institute(s). [More...]